Celebrating National HVAC Technician Day

Did you know that June 22nd is National HVAC Technician Day? Following the first official day of summer on June 21st, it’s the perfect time to show our appreciation for the highly skilled and hardworking HVAC technicians who keep us cool and comfortable during the hottest days of the year. Across our divisions, we are […]

Protect Yourself from The Heat

As the temperatures rise, it’s crucial to prioritize your well-being while working or spending time outdoors. To help you stay safe and comfortable, here are some important tips to beat the heat and protect yourself from the sun’s harmful effects. Essential Summer Tips: Stay Hydrated! Drink water or beverages rich in electrolytes. Avoid drinks that […]

Honoring Our Heroes

In 1999, Congress officially designated May as National Military Appreciation Month. This observance provides the nation with a meaningful opportunity to publicly express gratitude for the dedication and sacrifices of our military personnel, both past and present.



SLEEP: THE SECRET TO A HAPPIER AND HEALTHIER YOU! Learn the Importance of Sleep Why is Sleep Important Benefits your Heath. To have a healthy immune system you need to get 7-8 hours of sleep. Sleep decreases your blood pressure, controls your hunger hormones, and helps boost your immune system. Boost Your Mood. Getting a […]

Not all Heroes Wear Capes

Did you know that June 22 is National HVAC Technician Day? Since June 21st is the first official day of summer, it is a perfect time to show our appreciation for our highly skilled, hardworking HVAC technicians that keep you and I cool and comfortable even on the hottest of summer days. Across all our […]

Eye Exams for a Brighter Tomorrow

Top 5 Ways To Protect Your Vision As You Age:   Early Detection: Often, eye problems and diseases show no symptoms in their early stages. Regular eye exams can detect these issues before they escalate allowing for timely intervention and treatment. Preventive Care: Just like regular check-ups with your doctor, routine eye exams are preventive […]

Positive Affirmations

What are affirmations? Statements you repeat to challenge negative thinking or unhelpful, intrusive thoughts. Positive phrases build you up and help reconnect other positive qualities while offering encouragement and motivation. Are they effective? How to make the most of affirmation? Affirmations to try:

National Nutrition Month

This month our focus is to educate our employees on making healthier food choices and developing healthy eating habits. Here are a few simple steps and tips to begin to make healthier changes in your daily lifestyle. HEALTHIER HABITS RECIPES TO GET YOU STARTED: NUTRITIONAL/ WELLNESS INFLUENCERS TO FOLLOW: RECOMMENDED DAILY VITAMINS: LINKS USED:

Cultivating Self-Love

This Valentine’s Day, we are challenging you to make another type of affection a priority: self-love. We all know that self-love is important for our wellbeing and overall happiness. But how exactly can we cultivate more of it? REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE ENOUGH When we are bombarded with messages that constantly tell us that we […]

How to Stay Well Balanced in 2023

Our desire to succeed can sometimes lead us to neglect our well-being and personal relationships. As the year is just beginning, here are just a few tips that can help you improve your work-life balance in the new year. Cheers to 2023! 5 TIPS FOR STAYING WELL BALANCED Finding the balance that works best for […]